Email Alerts

To have an OpenCanary daemon directly send email alerts edit the logger section of the ~/.opencanary.conf. The file format is JSON.

In the configurations below, set these configuration variables:

  • mailhost - The SMTP mailhost and port.
  • fromaddr - The from address. Usually does not have to exist.
  • toaddres - An array of addresses that will receive the alert. Keep it short.
  • subject - The email’s subject.
  • credentials - Optional parameter, if the SMTP server requires authentication.
  • secure - Optional parameter if TLS support is mandatory or wanted.

More information can be found on the PyLogger page.

Send to a GMail address

[..] # Services configuration
    "logger": {
    "class" : "PyLogger",
    "kwargs" : {
        "handlers": {
            "SMTP": {
                "class": "logging.handlers.SMTPHandler",
                "mailhost": ["", 25],
                "fromaddr": "",
                "toaddrs" : [""],
                "subject" : "OpenCanary Alert"

Depending on your ISP and their outbound spam protection mechanisms, you may need to send to TCP port 587, set up an app password and use credentials, as well as setting an empty tuple for the secure parameter. Your configuration would then look like:

[..] # Services configuration
    "logger": {
    "class" : "PyLogger",
    "kwargs" : {
        "handlers": {
            "SMTP": {
                "class": "logging.handlers.SMTPHandler",
                "mailhost": ["", 587],
                "fromaddr": "",
                "toaddrs" : [""],
                "subject" : "OpenCanary Alert",
                "credentials" : ["youraddress", "abcdefghijklmnop"],
                "secure" : []

Send with SMTP authentication

[..] # Services configuration
    "logger": {
    "class" : "PyLogger",
    "kwargs" : {
        "handlers": {
            "SMTP": {
                "class": "logging.handlers.SMTPHandler",
                "mailhost": ["authenticated.mail.server", 25],
                "fromaddr": "",
                "toaddrs" : [""],
                "subject" : "OpenCanary Alert",
                "credentials" : ["myusername", "password1"],
                "secure" : []